Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbat at CSI is where families come to play and pray! Twice a month, we offer an interactive learning experience where little ones ages 0-5 get exposure to basic prayers, Jewish symbols, stories and values all while playing with their friends and family.

The activities are age-appropriate, including baby signs for little eyes and movement activities that are so important to child development and the learning experience. Imagine uninhibited dancing, clapping, and laughter in this warm and wonderful family-catered service.

All children are then welcomed to the Bima to join the Rabbi for juice and challah, followed by a beautiful kiddush lunch and socialization with the congregation.

Category Two

Preschool Hebrew School

Preschool Hebrew School is a chance to introduce to 3-4-year-olds to the joy of Shabbat; it meets on Saturdays only.

We have fantastic educators who use art, song, stories and play to ignite curiosity and a love of Judaism for our preschoolers. We strive to create a welcoming and nurturing environment where our students soar and our families feel supported.

For further information, contact Suzanne Strichartz, our Educational Director, at

Hebrew School

The Audrey Beth Lender Hebrew School at Congregation Sons of Israel offers a boutique Hebrew School experience. Classes are small; instruction is thoughtful and engaging. We believe in the inclusion education model, and our excellent teacher-to-student ratio encourages all types of learners. We have a strong history of pioneering special needs Jewish education in Rockland County.

Our innovative scheduling offers students flexibility with their secular school extracurriculars and other interests. We are the only Hebrew School in the county to offer a Shabbat-centered Hebrew School, which meets on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Our learners participate in the service, making the bimah their second home.

Our school utilizes the arts and a multiple intelligences approach to education. Through discovery, play, discussion, activities, song, and storytelling, our children fall in love with Judaism. Our rabbi and cantor teach in the Hebrew School, role model Jewish practice, and help our students to connect to the prayer experience. We have five multi-age classrooms that promote collaboration and the development of social skills within the community.

Our learners help each other as they explore the world of participatory Judaism.

The schedule for Hebrew School, Pre-School Hebrew School, and Tot Shabbat can be emailed to you. For further information, contact Suzanne Strichartz, our Educational Director, at